Number 1: Choose and set up a good Shopify theme
Make sure that the theme is mobile friendly. There are a bunch of great themes out there for free. However if you want something different or specific to your business type try the Shopify marketplace.
Number 2: Optimise Your Site
Keep fine tuning your site. Remember to include CTA’s (call to Action) to get people to take action. See the copy on the home page brief but engaging. Try to write the copy from the point of view of the customer. How will your product change their life and make it better?
Number 3: Take good product photos
E-commerce sites live and die by the quality of their images. Remember people can’t see the product in real life. So you have to represent products as best you can. For a guide to taking better photos read my how to article here. Or if you have the budget use a professional. For stock images try Burst the Shopify photo service.
Number 4: Use Automated Messages
Start and email list as soon as you start your store. Use abandoned cart emails to follow up people who don’t complete the sales process. Install a chat or Facebook Messenger widget.
Number 5: Use Retargeting Ads Based on Previous Visits
Retarget visitors that don’t buy using Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. Even if you traffic is low at the start install the tracking code as soon as you start. That way you have access to the data you need when you want to start retargeting.
Number 6: Use PPC
If you traffic is low, buy traffic. There are lots of guides and online training out there if you want to do it yourself. However it can be tough and you could end up wasting money. If you can afford it, hire a professional.
Number 7: Gather customer information
Use surveys and follow up emails to find out more about the type of customers buy from you. These insights can help with future marketing efforts. Knowing your customer will reduce the money you spend on marketing and make it more effective.
Also, install a reviews app on your Shopify website and encourage customers to leave reviews.
Number 8: Make Changes Based on Customer information
Optimise your site and marketing based on what you learn from your customers.
Number 9: Email Marketing to Existing Customers
Include a ‘Sign up for our Newsletter’ option on your checkout. Send out emails every couple of weeks. Don’t just include product and sale content. Write about your business. Write about how people use your products. Also, use holidays, seasons and other events to promote your products.
Number 10: Re-invest your profits
The way to grow a great online business is to keep investing in improving your website, messaging and marketing.
FREE VIDEO TRAININGHow to increase sales and profit for your WooCommerce store
A simple 5 step plan to increase sales and profit for your WooCommerce store without wasting money on ads