Southern Alps Meats

Southern Alps Meats is a company that receives wild deer, tahr and chamois from hunters throughout the South Island and converts them into renderables, petfood, export wild meat and added value products.

They needed a website that would inform people about their products and the sustainablity of their meat products.


The website uses great images of their meat along with photos of the landscape in which the animals live.

The hunters that shoot the animals are all Department of Conservation (D.O.C.) approved.

The animals are introduced species that need to have their numbers culled. Too many animals would destroy the environment.


Hunters interested in selling their catch to Southern Alps Meats can register interest on the website.


Southern Alps Meats has a unique product that required a website that would present what they do in the best way. We achieved this with great imagery and highlighting their point of difference and sustainability practices.

And as with all websites designed by EG Web Design the site is fully mobile and tablet friendly.


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