WooCommerce Sales Reports

WooCommerce has a great reporting system. You can generate reports on sales, customers, stock and taxes. Making it easy to see how your store is doing at a glance.

To get to the reports area just go to WooCommerce > Reports in the left hand menu.


The are a few tabs across the top of the page.

  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Stock
  • Taxes

You can generate reports on any of these.

Underneath is a line of blue links. You can further refine your reports with these options.


The first blue link under Orders is Sales by Date. This shows you how many sales you have had within a certain time period. You can click the next line of tabs to see sales by Year, Last Month, This Month, Last 7 days and you can also choose a custom time period.


The next blue link is Sales by Product. Here you ca see your best selling products on the left. You can click on a product and then choose a time period and see all the sales of that product.


You can search for any product you have in your store to check on it’s sales. You can also see which products earn the most money.

The next blue link is sales by category. To filter by category start typing into the Select Categories… input box. This brings up a list of categories to choose from. You can choose one, all or just a few categories.


The last blue link lets you search for sales by coupon. You can create discount coupons in WooCommerce. The coupon area is much like the products area. You can search by individual coupon, most popular, and most discount.

All off these reports can be downloaded in CSV format for importing into a spreadsheet or accounting software.


Next in the tabs across the top is the customers area. Here you can see Customer vs. guest sales. Customers are people who have an account or create an account when checking out. You can also see how many people signed up for an account during the time period. Once again your can choose from any time period using the tabs.


The next blue link is the Customer list. This brings up the list of customers with accounts. Each customer is listed with their email address, location and sales total. The three icon buttons at the right are: refresh the stats, edit the customer and view the customers record.



Next in the tabs is the stock tab.

Blue line under the tabs allow you to see products that have low stock, out of stock and most stocked products.


The list shows how many items are in stock. At the right end the icon buttons allow you to view or edit each product.


In the Taxes area the blue links under the tabs allow you to view the taxes collected on sales by code e.g. GST or by sale date.


The sales date screen displays the number of sales, shipping, net profit, total shipping, total tax and total sales value for each day.

FREE VIDEO TRAININGHow to increase sales and profit for your WooCommerce store

FREE VIDEO TRAINING How to increase sales and profit for your WooCommerce store

A simple 5 step plan to increase sales and profit for your WooCommerce store without wasting money on ads

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